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HOME BIO GIGS Discography Links
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3/7 - Farmhouse - San Luis Obispo - 6:00pm

3/15 - Pear Valley - Paso Robles - 1:00pm

3/31 - Merrimaker - Baywood Park - 5:00pm

4/5 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

4/19 - Flying Flags - Avila Beach - 4:00pm

4/26 - Midnight Cellars - Paso Robles - 1:00pm

5/10 - Eberle Winery - Paso Robles - 1:00pm

6/7 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

6/21 - Midnight Cellars - Paso Robles - 1:00pm

6/22 - Cypress Ridge - Arroyo Grande - 1:30pm

7/26 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

8/30 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

10/11 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

11/15 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

12/20 - Sycamore Mineral Springs at the Secret Garden - 1:00pm

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For booking information please E mail: tmjackson267@gmail.com
Or call: (805) 546-9225

HOME BIO GIGS Discography Links

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